Petty jealousy

In the large meeting hall of the Gu Corporation, everyone seated down had pale faces as they turned to look at Gu Zhen from time to time.

The whole room was filled with tension and uneasiness, the air conditioners was turned on however they all felt hot!

They had been in this meeting hall and had not been able to go out even to the restroom, the only thing they had taken in was the bottle of water on the table however everyone's bottle was now empty.

Two of them had fainted and had been rushed to the hospital however the big boss had turned a blind eye to it and the meeting was still ongoing.

Xu Yei who was now out of breath after talking for so long did not dare to rest for even a second and could only continue talking.

Fortunately he had sneakily sent Miss Ning Xi a message and was hoping she could arrive soon, she was their only hope.