She was in love

"About what Ji Xiuran...he said earlier...was...was it true?", Ning Xi was still in his embrace as she spoke, she wondered if it was true or not.

"Yes", Gu Zhen replied almost immediately, he wasn't going to hide the truth from her no matter what.

"Okay", that was all she needed to hear, whether it was true or not. She hadn't expected Gu Zhen to be so honest and reply immediately.

"Aren't you going to... ask why I did it?", Gu Zhen rested his chin on her shoulders.

"No. It doesn't matter, I'm sure you did it for a good reason", Ning Xi lips curled up into a smile after she spoke.

"So now do you hate me?", Gu Zhen wanted to take advantage of this situation and see her response.

"Of course, I've always hated you", Ning Xi scoffed and pushed him away immediately, she straightened her clothes and sat up straight.