Awards ceremony

Mu Jang had prepared lots of sumptuous dishes for the kids.

"Kids come over, the food is ready", Mu Jang called out to them after preparing the table.

Since they were quite many, they had the party outside.

"Hmm auntie I love the smell of your dishes!", Tan Yu said.

The others chuckled at his words and sat down.

"Wow my favourite dumplings are here!", Suo Jian tapped his father and pointed at the dumplings which were a bit further from him.

"Ning Xi who are these? Your relatives?", Han Jin curiously asked about Suo Jinan and Suo Jian.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and decided to pretend not to have heard her words.

"They're my friends from the entertainment agency, why do you ask? Do you have any problem with them?", Ming You placed her chopsticks down and turned to Han Jin.

"You see, he looks pretty familiar. Oh I remember, last year there was a scandal and..."