Going to claim over her boyfriend

After having about six bottles of alcohol Gu Zhen was a bit tipsy yet he was still in his right senses.

He sighed as he glanced at the picture of Ning Xi on his phone.

After a while he felt like visiting the washroom, he had just left when Shen Xu walked in.

The private rooms had their washrooms on the same floor.

Shen Xu sat down waiting for him and wondering why he had left when Gu Zhen's phone rang.

Shen Xu took a look at the caller and frowned deeply.

"Hello?", Shen Xu picked up the call without hesitation, her voice was filled with pride as well.

Ning Xi was more than surprised to hear a female voice when the call was picked up, "Who are you?"

"I should be asking you that? How do you have Brother Gu Zhen's contact?", Shen Xu asked.

"I...", Ning Xi didn't know what to say after all, she didn't know what her relationship with Gu Zhen was. They were not friends and neither were they lovers. So exactly what were they?