Truth or Dare

Ning Xi knew that she had very low alcohol tolerance so she did not dare to drink much, as everyone drunk full glasses she continued to slowly sip from her glass.

Gong Chan was sitting beside her and noticed her actions, he could not help but think she was cute.

"Everyone! Listen carefully, since we're all not drunk then how about we play a game of truth and dare?", The director suggested though he was quite drunk.

"That's a good idea director", Qua Yu immediately agreed.

"Anyone who fails will have to down three full glasses of wine okay?", The director then laid out on how to play.

Everyone agreed so the director began the game of truth or dare.

"Okay so I'm going to start! Qua Yu, truth or dare?", the director smiled mischievously while looking at her.

"Truth", Qua Yu was used to playing this kind of game and wasn't scared or anything.

"Have you ever had sex?", The director asked.