His girlfriend

"What? How's that possible? Ning Xi, didn't you say you liked someone else earlier? Why are you dating my cousin? Did you make him a side chick? Are you two timing?", Gu Xin couldn't accept what he had just found out.

"Are you really that dumb? Can't you see that the person I was talking about back then was your cousin? I didn't tell you because I knew you would run off and tell him even before I could", Ning Xi had now vowed to herself never to share any sort of secrets with this two. They could never be trusted.

Fu Yehan and Gu Xin now understood what was going on.

"This feels like a scene from a movie", Fu Yehan said.

"That's not the point! We were busy worried about cousin yet he was busy on a date with Ning Xi!", Gu Xin was offended.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes and got down from Gu Zhen's back, she opened the car door and hopped in. Listening to anymore nonsense from this two might cause her to lose her appetite forever.