A special birthday gift

That day ended, days turned into weeks and it already the day of Ning Xi's, Gu Zhen's and Ning Rou's birthdays.

Today was going to be a big day for all of them.

Ning Rou had been living her past few days peacefully since Ning Xi was not around. She woke up a bit late in a very good mood, the crew, the netizens and many others knew that it was her birthday today.

She rushed towards her door expecting to see a few gifts but there was nothing over there.

She checked her phone and there were no missed calls from her family, not even from Shu Man.

'Maybe they're not awake yet'

Ning Rou tried to calm herself down, she changed into a beautiful dress she had purchased specially for this day.

Although no one had personally wished her, a few netizens and friends wished her on social media.

Whiles things were bad on Ning Rou's side, it was not the same for Ning Xi.