Her blood

Ning Xi arrived at the police station within a few minutes.

The police had already received the statement from the director since Ning Rou was still unconscious.

Ning Xi changed her clothes and was sent to a cell.

Qua Yu, Zhi Lianci and Gong Chan arrived a few minutes later and requested to see Ning Xi.

Ning Xi was brought wearing prisoner's clothes and in handcuffs.

"This is wrong! You were just arrested yet they already had you change your clothes?", Qua Yu almost lost her temper.

"It's okay. I need your help to find evidence about my innocence. There's no way you actually think I did that, right?", Ning Xi sized up their faces.

"I know you're innocent", Gong Chan said.

Ning Xi had expected to see her manager and maybe Qua Yu but never did she expect Gong Chan to tag along.

They chatted for a while and then Ning Xi requested to speak to Qua Yu alone.