She was just a substitute

Today was the day the press conference was going to be held and also the day the college entrance examinations results would be released.

Today was also the day of an occasion which was celebrated by the whole world, Christmas day.

The media together with the Ning family still did not know that Ning Xi had already been released.

Ning Xi had just woken up in the arms of Gu Zhen when she received a phone call from her parents.

She was reminded of what happened the last time Gu Zhen was around when she made a call with her parents.

She kicked him out of his room and locked the door.

"Little Xi, where are you?", Mu Jang asked, that was the first thing she asked when the phone call went through.

"I'm at home, why do you ask?", Ning Xi was quite surprised by her mother's weird question.

"Home? Fool! Did you think we were not going to find out that you were arrested?", Mu Jang broke into tears as she spoke.