Spending Time With Ara

Tyler's POV

I have never been ashamed of what I am; I know many girls throw themselves at me, and it became a natural scenario for me wherever I go. Even girls who have a genuine relationship will deny their boyfriend just to have a date with me.

I enjoy being the center of every girl's attention. I love the fun of being surrounded by beautiful, wealthy ladies. They showered me with expensive things even if they knew I didn't need them.

I am Tyler Edgebright, the known heartbreaker of The Perfect Blue Island; even at fifteen, some older ladies wanted to have a date with me, but I focused on girls when I turned eighteen years old. I enjoyed being with them. Still, I only fell in love with just one girl.

I am called a heartbreaker because most girls end up in tears when they learn I am not interested in them. I don't know, I enjoy being adored and admired by many young women, and I chase no one except one girl, Emily.

She was my everything and will always be. I don't have plans on having any serious relationship with someone because I know she will always be the one, but I ruined my chance with her because I was so busy entertaining girls. And last year, I lost her forever. And now I met Arabella.

I met a lot of beautiful, wealthy young ladies from the Island and the mainland, but Ella's beauty enthralled me. I can't stop myself from staring at her. And for the first time, I felt ashamed that she told me about my reputation in front of my face; I didn't want to be the heartbreaker in her eyes, but she came from Azure, and I am famous on the whole island, and I wouldn't say I like the idea that she knew who I am.

I know I don't plan to fall in love again, not in a long shot, but I don't limit myself to meeting a new friend; I offered her to board my yacht, and I couldn't believe Ara's boyfriend cheated on her.

Ara was so confident before she boarded my vessel that she had a boyfriend waiting for her to come home, and Arabella was so proud of him; the worst part was he cheated on her with her older sister. And I can see her pain, and I don't understand why I get involved.

I should have driven home without looking back; but I felt guilty because the moment I pulled over in front of Matt's vacation home; I knew he had cheated on Ara, but I didn't dare to tell her the bad news, and in the end, I felt obligated to take her under my care.

And now I lay awake thinking about her beautiful face, and the way she was crying under the rain broke my heart; that is why I carried her going to my car because there is a part of me that wanted to protect her.

I should hold myself before I go crazy, and when the storm is over, I should send her home and never meet her again, but I don't think the weather will be okay by tomorrow. It means I will be seeing her in the coming days. It is okay; I know I will never see someone like Emily, so for now, my heart is safe.

I am afraid to fall in love again, for I don't know if I can take another heartache. But I wonder why can't I stop thinking about the kiss I shared with her; her lips tasted so sweet that until now, I can even feel a warm feeling that I went through when we kissed, and I felt the sparks that travel my entire frame, and it is hard to deny I could feel the attraction.

The moment I wake up, I can still see the downpour of the heavy rain from my bed. When I looked at the glass window of my bedroom, the wind was still strong, and the ocean still looked so dark. I have been away for one month, and it is nice to be back; I want to spend my day swimming on the beach.

But I need to put my plans on hold because of the bad condition of the weather. My mom keeps reminding the maid to refill my groceries, especially my food supply. I love cooking even though most of the time, I devote my time at the resort and stay at my penthouse. If I have spare time, I cook.

The moment I reached the dining room, I could breathe in the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes wafting the entire hall, and I couldn't stop my stomach from grumbling.

"Good morning, Ty, I am sorry, but this is the least that I can do, cook you breakfast since you helped me so much; your hospitality touches my soul." Arabella declared.

I am a liar if I say she didn't catch my full attention. She was wearing a simple dress, but I could tell the gorgeous figure behind that dress, and I hated myself for wanting her.

"Wow, I wish I could always see you stranded on the harbor, so I could have you cook my breakfast now and then," I said as I pulled a chair.

I sat without breaking eye contact with Arabella, and I saw her face blush, and she looked so adorable, and I didn't wish to look away, but she turned around and got inside the kitchen, and she didn't get back after a long while until I called her.

"Arabella, aren't you going to eat breakfast with me?" I yelled at her and heard her footsteps coming into the dining room.

"I am sorry, I just want to clean the pan." She said.

"I can wash the dishes later since you cooked; now, please eat," I said, and I put some egg omelet on her plate and bacon.

"Thanks." She muttered, and I just realized her eyes were swollen from weeping.

"Hey, you didn't sleep last night?" I asked, and she looked at me.

"I wanted to sleep very badly, but I couldn't stop thinking about my sister and my ex-boyfriend. I realize they spent the night together having a good time while crying my heart out." She replied, and I could feel the pain in her voice.

"Hey, Ara, I don't have any idea how to comfort a woman whose ex had cheated on her, but one thing is for sure, he was a jerk, and it was his loss, not yours, so you better eat, don't give him the satisfaction of ruining your beautiful figure," I said, and she smirked.

And I felt glad that she ate all the food I put on her plate. And she beat me to washing the dishes, and I saw her cleaning the entire house. No matter how I begged her to stop and told her I had a maid who would clean the house once the storm subsided.

"Don't be silly, Ty; at least I will not feel guilty for staying here for free." She said, and she smiled at me, and my heart skipped a beat, for she had the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

She also cooks for lunch, and I can tell she is an excellent cook; in the afternoon, she asked me if she could bake me oatmeal cookies, and I smiled since that is my favorite. I was watching her the whole time, and when I attempted to help, she would only glare at me, so I didn't have a choice but watch her hot figure moving around my kitchen.

We are eating cookies in the living room while playing chess. And I admit Arabella was good, but I am excellent at chess, so in the end, Ara became queenless, and she lost the game after three more moves. We played again, and she didn't surrender until we stalemated in our last match, she was jumping on her feet, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing at her reaction.

"You didn't win, Ara; it was a draw," I commented.

"Yeah, I know, but at least I reached that point. I can tell you are good at chess, and there is no way I can beat you, but at least we had a draw; that is enough for me for now, but be ready, Tyler Edgebright, because next time you will never win against me, mark my word." She spoke, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Whatever, Ms. Ravalli, you can never succeed against me."

"For now, but I don't concede quickly." She answered, and she looked sad again.

"Hey, you were happy, and now you look like shit." I declared.

"I am just thinking, I don't surrender, and I think I made a big mistake on walking out from Matthew's life." She said, and she is about to break down again, but I can say she is doing her best to contain her tears.

"Arabella, that was the bravest thing I have ever seen; you walk out from his life; you didn't look like a fool because I can tell if it happens to other women, I am sure some will still choose someone like him, and beg him to take her back, but you left him without a second glance. Being your new friend, I am proud of you." I declared, and I gave her my sweetest smile.

"Don't ever smile at me that way." She said, and I stopped smiling.

"Why?" I asked, so confused.

"Because you look so cute with that grin and I hate looking at you wearing that stupid smirk." She stated.

"Hey, you were angry with your ex-boyfriend, not with me; what is the sin of my perfect smile that you hated it so much? Don't you realize girls would go crazy with this smile? And they begged to become the receiving end of my beautiful smile?" I declared, and Arabella closed her eyes.

She looked so cute, and the way Ara parts her lips were so inviting, and I wanted to capture her crimson lips again, but I couldn't play with her heart right now; she was in pain, and she needed to recover from her broken heart, and how I wish there is a way I can help her.