He Took Me Home

Arabella's POV

"I think I can drive you home now, Ara; the storm has gone." He declared, and I nodded since I was not excited to leave for two reasons. First, I don't want to see my sister and Matthew. And the second, I love staying at Tyler's house. I enjoy cooking and cleaning his home. I don't know, but for the short time that we have been together, it feels like I already know him.

"I will just get my things," I said, walking to the guest room with a heavy heart. And I felt Matt would try to win me back since he wanted me more than he desired Lucy.

He was a jerk, and I couldn't believe he cheated on me with my older sister. I don't appreciate what happens to Lucy, but we used to be so close to each other, and she knew how much I cared about Matt.

Tyler locked the main door, and he carried my suitcase, leading to his car. I settled myself on the front seat, and I could smell his natural scent and aftershave. I can't contradict it, Tyler is attractive, so caring, and no wonder many girls will misinterpret his kindness.

They will think he loves them when in fact, he is just showing his authentic self. I never thought the known playboy and heartbreaker of the Island would be the one to save me from my boyfriend's betrayal. He helped me a lot, and I can't oppose that I am also attracted to him, but I know he will never like me. I am a nobody and a pitiful young woman.

I told him my home address, and I remained silent the entire ride because I was so afraid of what would happen once I arrived at my residence. The moment we arrived at my parent's house, I peeked at Matt's car in front of the house, and they were on the patio, looking so intimate with each other.

I noticed Ty clenched his fists on the steering wheel, and I can say he was angry with Matthew, and I felt so touched. I can tell we are already friends, but I never expected him to be concerned about me.

"Thank you for everything, Tyler. I owe you a lot." I declared, and he smiled at me.

I was holding back my tears the moment I saw them together. Ty opened the car door and held my hand as I climbed out of his car, and out of the corner of my eye, my sister and my ex-boyfriend were watching us the entire time from the porch.

He placed his palms on my waist as he assisted me in getting out of his car, and without asking permission, Ty kissed me passionately. I can't stand myself from kissing him back, and even though I know he is doing all this for a show, I want to believe that there is another reason behind his actions.

It was a quick kiss, but enough for me to have butterflies in my stomach, and the moment he released me, I couldn't hold myself from blushing; then, he winked at me, and his hands lingered on my waist.

"Thank you," I whispered in his ear, and he smiled at me. I could still feel the taste of Tyler's lips in my mouth.

His lips tasted too good, and the way he kissed me felt like he was my actual boyfriend. And I am so thankful for his presence since he helped me get back my self-esteem, and I can face them now with dignity and with my head high. They hurt me, and I am lying if I say I am no longer hurting, but Tyler Edgebright gives me strength.

"I think I should go inside now," I said.

"Of course, we need to get inside." He acknowledged, and his words made me raise my eyebrow.

"Yes, you heard me right, Ara. I will come in with you. There is no way I am leaving to give Matthew a chance to talk to you, and I will only go back to my residence if he is no longer here." He insisted.

I can say Ty is not lying, and I don't want my sister and ex to think I am too afraid to deal with them. I don't have a choice but to move my feet and get inside the house. My sister looked at me with anger on her face, while I can't explain the expression on Matt's face.

"Good morning, Matthew, and wonderful morning Miss; I presume you are Arabella's sister," Tyler said, and I couldn't believe he would talk to them; I could see my sister's face blush, and she smiled seductively at Tyler, and how could she act like that when she is with Matthew.

"What are you doing here, Tyler," Matt said sternly.

"To accompany my girlfriend, of course," Tyler answered him confidently, and Matt's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me? You don't do the girlfriend thing, Tyler." Matt retorted.

"Who says who? For your information, Matthew, I keep my love life away from gossip. I valued privacy." He answered thoughtfully, and it felt like he was my real boyfriend, and I hate feeling so thrilled.

"You will only hurt, Arabella." He spoke, and I could see Ty's face reddened.

"Like what you did to her? Don't talk to me as if you know me, Matt. Aren't you even ashamed of yourself? You betrayed Ara with her sister, for heaven's sake." He replied, and before they could hit each other, I pulled Tyler's hand to go inside the house, and I felt glad he followed me inside. I haven't seen my mother, and maybe she is still at the souvenir shop.

I can declare my sister and Matt are fighting since I can hear their raised voices. I let Ty sit down in the living area as I go inside my room, which I shared with my sister, and I can tell Matt has been inside our room since I can even smell his cologne. The scent that I have been so familiar with for so long. I didn't unpack my things; I just put my suitcase under my bed.

I realized Matthew had left, and when I peeked on my window and they were no longer on the porch. And I know Lucy must come with my ex. I felt glad they were gone. I sat across Tyler, and his intense gaze made my body shiver; and for the second time that I tasted his lips, I can now say I am addicted to his mouth.

And to be honest, I wanted to be kissed by him for a long time, and it felt like he heard my thoughts. He moves closer to me, and the moment he looks down at my lips, I can't stop myself from biting my lower lip.

"Damn, you are so hot, Arabella." He said, and his husky voice made me so drawn to him, and without warning, Tyler captured my mouth urgently, and I kissed him back hungrily. We kissed for a long time, and I realized he was too hot to be denied what he wanted, and I loved the way he kissed me with passion and desire. It was a mind-blowing kiss that I could feel my toes curled.

"That should be the kind of kiss that we should perform the next time we are in front of your ex and sister. We need more practice to convince them that we are a real couple." He said, and I could feel my face is blushing.

"That was kissing practice 101." He added and smiled at me, and his dimples kept me fascinated as always.

"I think you should key in your number now on my cellphone, Arabella, you need me from now on, and I don't want to make Matt think I wasn't your boyfriend. Be my girlfriend, Ara, please." He begged, and I am perplexed.

He handed me his cell phone, and I typed my number, and he saved it, and I couldn't help but smile when I saw what name he put on his phone, Ara, future GF.

"I can't say yes to you right now, Ty. Can I at least think about it?" I asked.

"Okay, I am just doing this for you, and this is just like an experiment. I want to help you mend your broken heart by being your boyfriend until you are ready to face the world again." He said.

"So, does it mean a pretend boyfriend-girlfriend thing?" I asked.

"No, it's different. I am asking you to be my girlfriend, so you can use me to mend your broken heart, but remember, don't fall in love with me, Ara." He said seriously, and I laughed.

"Of course, do not worry. Besides, I am not yet ready to be in a serious relationship." I replied.

"I know that is why." He replied.

"So, our relationship is simple, you are my girlfriend, and I am your boyfriend; we can do what couples do, and I will take you on a date sometimes to clear your mind. I promise I will be the best boyfriend, Ara." He said.

"I am not allowed to fall in love with you, right?" I asked.

"Yes." He replied.

"What will happen if I fall for you?" I asked.

"Then, it is time we need to break up." He said, and I find his conditions weird, yet I want to forget Matt.

"Why not? We will be friends." I suggested.

"Friends, don't kiss Ara." He said, and I suddenly felt hot.

"We just don't kiss," I said.

"But I love kissing you." He said, and I realized that Tyler Edgebright is complicated.

"I don't know. Your conditions confused me, and I don't need complications right now, so I think we don't need to see each other again." I said, and I could see the sadness on his face.

"Don't do this, Ara. I want to see you more." He begged.

"Okay, we can still see each other, but not as a couple. I find your conditions confusing, maybe you are so used to having so many flings, and I wouldn't say I like something like that. If I spend time with you, you should not give me that kind of condition. Let our hearts decide for it, not our minds." I said.

"Okay, Be my girlfriend, Ara, and let our hearts decide, but I want to remind you I am doing all this for you. I wouldn't say I like Matt's gut, and I couldn't turn blind to the situation. Besides, I want to help you, Arabella." He declared, and I smiled.

"Aren't you afraid if I fall for you?" I asked.

"Then, try your best not to fall for me, all you need to do is forget Matt because I know you are hurting, and I want to help you forget about him. And believe me, you will need my help." He said.

"I will give you my answer if you come back," I said, and he smiled.

"Okay, I will get going now. I know you will say yes since you can't say no to this handsome face." He replied and stood up from the couch.

"You are so conceited," I said, and I couldn't stop laughing as I sent him to his car.

Tyler kissed me on the lips one more time before he got inside his car and drove away. I feel different when I am with him, and I am not sure if I would be making the right decision, but I realized I chose Matthew using my logic because I thought he was safe, but he only broke my heart.