My Angel

Arabella's POV

I carried my luggage with a heavy heart after arriving in Kruma City, and I took a cab to my apartment. And I couldn't believe I would feel so bleak watching the skyscrapers all over the city, and I suddenly realized how much I missed the island.

I couldn't think that I would be feeling this way after I got back. I knew I needed to leave my life on the island behind for now, and I promised my mother to be back before studying for my first semester in college. I can't stop feeling excited about it, and I know I will love the glitters of the city once again.

"Ara?" My housemate was shocked to find me on the doorstep of our apartment, and I could tell right away that something was off.

"Yes, it is me, and why do you look like you have seen a ghost, Lindy?" I asked since I could see her gaping at me.

"Well, ahh, the thing is, " She said, and I couldn't believe they accepted someone new without calling me because I could see it on Lindy's face.

"You let someone take my space?" I asked in disbelief when I couldn't wait for her to finish her sentence.

"How did you know?" She asked, surprised.

"It is obvious by the way you fidgeted, and you couldn't even finish your sentence," I said, and she looked at me with concern on her face.

"I am sorry, Ara, it was Charisse who insisted on renting your space." She said, and I couldn't believe she would do something like this to me, and I wondered how I could look for a place at this minute. It is already nighttime.

"Why did you not call me or ask me about it? You know that I will come back here." I said, and I could no longer stop myself from raising my voice; they should have asked me for the payment because I plan to pay for my share of the rental the moment I get back.

"I told her about it, but Charisse told me to shut up, " Lindy said. I got inside and walked towards the living room, where I found my other housemates watching a movie; someone stopped the screen, and they all looked at me.

The ones I considered my friends are now looking at me like a stranger to them, and they don't even look happy that I am back. I could tell only Lindy was so glad to have me, and I wondered where are our other housemates, but I could tell my friend was hiding her genuine emotions since she was afraid of them, and I wondered why they wanted me out of the apartment.

"We don't have a choice but to fill your space, Arabella, because you didn't pay your rent in advance, so I'm sorry," Charisse said.

"I plan to pay you the moment I get back, and I am sorry if I need to go back to the island in a hurry. But I am here now, and I can pay you the rent. I can even pay you in advance." I said as I tried to control myself.

"Well, I am sorry, dear, we don't like you to stay here anymore. We hated your guts and your intelligence. As if you are above us, having Matthew as your boyfriend seemed to get into your head, but we already knew that your boyfriend cheated on you with your sister!" Charisse responded.

I could tell they had heard the rumors since most of my housemates also came from the island. Some of them are here on the mainland to study or work, and I couldn't believe they would do this to me.

"I don't think about you that way, and I will never assume that I am above you," I said as I tried to contain my tears.

"We don't care what you think anymore, Ara. All we want is for you to leave this apartment." Charisse said.

"It is almost nighttime, Charisse; she can't find a decent place at this hour," Lindy said.

"I don't care, Lindy; if you want, you can come with Ara," Charisse said, and the rest of the girls were laughing with her while I was clenching my fists on my sides.

"Why are you doing this, Charisse?" I asked.

"I thought you are intelligent; how could you not read between the lines? It is simple logic, Ara, we don't like you. No one likes you here, and I think that is also why your boyfriend dumped you with your sister." She said, and they laughed at me again.

How could they crack up like that, knowing I was in deep pain? And I could tell my face turned bright red as I could feel myself boiling with anger, but I controlled myself because I didn't want to stay here anymore. I don't need fake friends anyway.

"Where are the rest of my things, Lindy?" I asked as I turned to face her.

"I kept them for you, Ara, but since I don't have an extra suitcase, I only put your things in the black bags." She said.

"Why do you need them anyway? I think the brands of all your things are the cheapest brand we can find in the market today; if I were you, you better throw them than keep those things with you." Charisse declared.

"I could tell that is why your boyfriend got rid of you because you lack taste, and you are a prude," Charisse said, I know I only needed a little push, and I could throw my anger at her, but I realized I better not go down to her level.

"I love my things, and I value them," I said as I tried to look nonchalant about her harsh words as I followed Lindy inside our room, and I couldn't stop my tears from falling on my cheeks.

"I am sorry, Ara. Charisse hated you because her boyfriend told her he has a crush on you." She said, and I raised my head and looked at Lindy.

"What?" I asked in disbelief, and she nodded her head.

"No wonder he was looking for you all the time and giving you anything, and Charisse was only trying her best to hide her jealousy, she couldn't take it anymore and asked her boyfriend about it, and he told her he was crushing on you," Lindy said.

"That is why when you left and went home to Azure, she became suddenly curious about you that she even dug into your personal life, and she found out about what happened to you and Matt. I am sorry, I know you are still hurting, and now Charisse is trying her best to add the burden on your heart." She said, and I smiled at her as I wiped my tears away.

"Don't worry about me, Lindy. I could take what Charisse is giving me right now because it was nothing compared to the pain my sister inflicted on me. I don't need a friend like her anyway." I said, and she laughed.

"If you find a new space, can you text me?" She asked, and I beamed at her.

"Sure!" I said, and she handed me some of the black bags while she carried the rest of the bags; and when she opened the door, I heard the girls giggling, and I wondered what was going on why all of them seemed so excited.

Lindy was shaking her head as I followed behind her, and my steps faltered when I saw Tyler Edgebright surrounded by the girls; and I could tell all of them were trying to get his attention.

"Hi, I am Charisse, and I also came from the Blue Island; my parents' house is in Sapphire, but I know you also have a mansion there aside from your place in Azure." She said, and I could see she was fluttering her eyes as she gaped at Tyler, and I could tell she was trying to get his attention.

"Oh, I see; how come you know me?" He calmly asked while Charisse was giggling, and she batted her eyes, and I could tell she was doing all her best to catch his attention.

"Of course, everyone on the Island knew who you are, you don't only come from a wealthy family, but you are the most handsome and popular." She said, and Ty smiled at her, and I hate to see him smiling at her while his dimples are on full display.

"Really? And if what you said is all true, I wonder why my girlfriend felt like she doesn't recognize me as one." He answered that I needed to swallow my saliva.

"Girlfriend?" Charisse asked.

"Yeah, and that is the reason I came. I am here to pick up my girlfriend since she left the island without saying goodbye." Tyler said, and then he turned his face towards me, and when our eyes met, I looked down at the floor, and I got my suitcase and walked towards the door, but he blocked my way, and when I tried to push him, he didn't even budge.

"Running from me again, Ara?" He asked.

"Why are you even here, Ty?" I asked in disbelief, and I could tell they were all watching us; and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Charisse looking daggers at me.

"Do I need to tell you why Arabella? You left without saying goodbye to me, and I think you have forgotten I am your boyfriend who happened to be so in love with you. What am I to you? A joke, or one of your conquests?" He asked, and I heard the girls gasp. And I couldn't believe he was talking to me like this in front of my soon-to-be ex-housemates.

"I am sorry, " I couldn't even finish my sentence because he came to me in an instant, and Tyler put his arms around my waist, and he brought me closer to him, and he kissed me passionately in front of the girls, who laughed and mocked me. And I couldn't stop kissing him back as I realized my angel had come to rescue me once again.