Luckiest Girl

Arabella's POV

"Did you enjoy the party?" Hazel asked as she stood in front of the cashier's counter of our souvenir shop; after the last tourists got out of the shop. It has been three days since the party, yet I am still in a daze and couldn't get over the happiness I felt as I remember the warm welcome Tyler's family showed me.

My best friend was wearing faded shorts and a white crop top blouse, and I could tell she had an afternoon swim since her long wavy brown hair was still wet. We looked so opposite, and it felt like I was no longer a teenager. I am still in my business attire.

Being Ty's secretary, I needed to look presentable next to him, and I didn't expect he would ask someone to do the shopping for me; I was shocked when I found the closet of one of his guest rooms at his penthouse filled with clothes, and they are all for me.