The Best Boyfriend

Arabella's POV

"Are you happy, Ara?" I heard Tyler's husky voice as he kissed my forehead while I snuggled on his chiseled chest.

"Very happy," I responded as I raised my head and looked at his handsome face. I could still feel the sleekness between my legs as evidence that I had given myself to this man lying in bed beside me, and the way he put his arms around me made me feel so content, and I could say, I am happy to give him myself.

"Thank you, Arabella, for making me this happy and trusting me." He replied as he pulled me closer to him, and I felt excited again when he caressed my naked body.

"Do you think you can handle another round?" He asked, and I blushed.

"Of course, I love doing it again, Tyler," I responded seductively even if I still feel shy to admit I love it so much, and I enjoyed it very much.