Keep Me Safe

Arabella's POV

I found it so hard to move as I tried to escape the intruder's hold, but he was so strong, and I felt something sharp on my right side.

"Don't move, or I else I will stab you, Ara," he said, and I froze; I never expected something like this will happen to me, I didn't do anything, and I wondered what he wanted from me; I could feel my entire body was shaking, and I wanted to scream, but I know it would be useless because no one will hear me from the outside no matter how much I shout. After all, the gate is so far away from the main house.

I didn't dare to move or talk because I was so afraid of getting wounded by his knife, and I was even scared to breathe because I might make a slight movement, and he would stab me. He slowly let go of my hands, but he was still pointing the knife at my side, and I knew one wrong move, I would get myself killed; I was leaning on the wall, trying to catch my breath.