Not Yet Over

Arabella's POV

"Hey, Ara!" I was disoriented when I heard someone calling my name, and when I opened my eyes, I was looking at an unfamiliar place; when I found Lindy standing near the bed, I smiled at her as I remembered I was sharing with her rented space.

"Ara, I don't want to pry, but your eyes were swollen, and I could tell something happened; I just want to know if you are okay?" Lindy asked, and I could no longer control my tears, and I was crying again.

"No, I am not okay, Lindy, my life sucks, my first love betrayed me with my sister, and I didn't expect I would fall in love again, and I admit, I became more in love with Tyler than Matthew, and I ended with a broken heart again, and I wished I didn't give him a chance to court me." I declared, and I could see the concern on her face.

"Oh, no, I am so sorry, Ara, you can tell me everything, and I just want you to know I am always here, willing to listen," Lindy responded.