More Excited

Tyler's POV

I had a second thought, but when I remembered Bianca's words, I realized I had to be confident to face Arabella. I love her, and I am willing to take nasty remarks coming from her. I had been hurt by how she coldly treated me, but I should remember I was the reason why she became angry with the world.

I wanted to bring back the sweet smile on her face, and the only way to do it was to make her believe in love again. It may take a long time to convince her, but I am willing to take all the risks while making sure Anika's health will not be affected.

I needed Arabella's help to keep my child happy, and I never expected Ara would be the answer to my prayers in saving my daughter. I could see how happy Anika was every time she was with my ex, and I couldn't wait to spend more time with Ara.