A Plan

Tyler's POV

"Did I do it right, dad?" Anika asked me after we drove away from Conrad's estate, and I looked at her in the rearview mirror with a wide grin as I nodded my head.

"What you did out there; was amazing, sweetheart. I couldn't believe my little girl is now a real lady, and you are a great actress, Anika." I responded, and she giggled.

"Why does she hate mom?" She inquired, and I let out a soft sigh.

"It is because the lady boss wanted me to be her husband, and she knew I love your mom dearly," I replied.

"I don't like her, and she is evil." She responded as she leaned on the backrest of her seat.

"Speaking of evil, from now on, you should not get out of the house until we have your mom," I replied.