Looking that he isn't saying anything, Ning Mei continued, " I can be your boytoy, I can be your bride. I can shut my mouth or I can open wide. Do you want the want the masculine or feminine side? I can be both. Just tell me what you want?! "

This lines, Ning Mei literally sang out loud like a song. Because... it did rhyme somewhat.

And what followed her words was a Pin Drop Silence. Literally Silence. It was as if the whole world went quiet. Everybody in the club looked at her with big wide and unbelieving eyes. This girl... Damn!! She is so bold!!! The men in the club shooted arrows and bullets of jealousy towards Gu Yeze with their whole being. But those bullets and arrows got punctured as soon as reached near him. Like man What are you even feeling jealous of?! Have you seen his face and yours? Do you think you both are comparable?!

Mean while, Ning Mei had thrown all her worldly concerns out of the window. She never had much in the first place anyway. For now, her whole concentration was on the man in front of her. She was hundred and five percent sure that if she loses her concentration even a little bit, like even a pinch of it, then she was going to be drowned in those eyes of his. Well.. she did feel a little bit embarrassed because she wasn't planning to be shamless on this level on their second meet. But... okay, she was blinded by jealousy.

She looked at him with all the innocence that she could show. Which actually made a sharp contrast with her words earlier. No-one would believe that she just openly asked a guy to be her man in front of the whole public just a few minutes ago. But what was in common with her words and expressions was her determination.

Gu Yeze looked at her for a while longer and then, gently caught both her hands near her shoulders. This action made a shiver of pleasure, excitement and nervousness run down Ning Mei's spine. But his next words made her bright sunny morning overcast with dark clouds.

Gu Yeze gently caught her hands and shifted her to the side so that she doesn't block his way and say with a slight smile, "Sorry Mam. But.. I am not interested. You should respect yourself a little bit more. "

And he walked away with his men leaving Ning Mei blank there.

Ning Mei stood here blank. So could see anything other than his back and couldn't even hear anything other than the echoes of his words. Well... the fact of not hearing anything should be blamed upon the people in the bar too. Because, they were also so shocked and what not with the scene that just took place here, that they too didn't have anything to say. Everyone was left speechless there.

Some were speechless by the girl's boldness, while some were speechless because they were regretting their fate of not having a face like that man. ' Like man, that's a sizzling hot woman, for God's sake!!'

While Ning Mei stood there like a statue, a young a handsome looking rich master came to her with a bouquet of flowers, that he got from who knows where. He smelled of a typical spoiled rich master.

He approached her and said with what he thought was his most charming voice, " Miss.. if you don't mind... You can be with me! " He said and stretched the bouquet of flowers towards her.

He thought himself as a knight in the shining armour, who came to save the damsel in embarrassment. Of course , for a girl, her face is important.

Ning Mei looked at him in daze and took her flowers from his hands.