Yu Lian sighed and said, " Who else.... it is that Yan... " but before, she could complete, Ning Mei came back, visibly in a very bad mood and said to Yu Lian, in a not so sweet voice, " Yu Lian, are you planning for me to leave alone? Thank you. But I don't have my own car, so please drop me home. "

Yu Lian nodded and stood up to leave with her. They bid goodbye to Li Chen and Li Xia and left the studio. Li Chen watched them go out and felt his curiosity bubbling up to the max. Since three years, he always wanted to know who that handsome looking mysterious man was. Though he looked dead drunk but he still had that, ' I am a rich and powerful man. Don't mess with me' aura around him.

If he could take some pictures some that man and publish it in his monthly magazine. Man... it would go sky rocketing! But... sadly, he didn't cross paths with that man after that night. And now... again he felt his heart bubbling up with curiosity.

Li Chen calmed up his heart and thought that, it's okay. Now that, Ning Mei has found this man, he will also get to know him soon.


It was almost 6:50 when Yu Lian's car stopped outside an high end restaurant. Ning Mei was sitting in the holding her clutch bag tightly. She kept on biting her bottom cherry coloured lips. And this actions clearly showed that she was very nervous.

Yu Lian looked at her and chuckled then she said in a light and teasing tone, " I never imagined that, one day the great Ning Mei will be this nervous. And that too for a simple date! " Ning Mei looked at her bestie and frowned helplessly. Then she took a deep breath and asked her, " Lian... Am I looking good? "

Now, Yu Lian couldn't recognize the girl in front of her anymore. Ning Mei is nervous and concerned about how she looks?!! Seriously! Ning Mei?! This girl was not even half nervous as now when she chased Su Han in the past, or did all kinds of crazy stuff! What kind of magic has that Yan Fan done on her?

Ning Mei shook her hand said repeated again, " Lian... ? Are you listening? "

Yu Lian came out of her daze and said with an assuring smile, " Are you serious MeiMei? Even if you don't take a bath for a year or even if you wear rags, you will still be beautiful.. "

Ning Mei frowned on not getting her desirable answer and said, "Lian, be serious! " Yu Lian laughed and then eyed her from top to bottom. Ning Mei was dressed in white full sleeved side slit dress, with a round neck that reached till her knees. Her hairs were tied in a loose low bun and her front hairs framed her small face. And her look was completed with a natural makeup look.

Ning Mei looked so pretty that even Yu Lian herself got jealous of her. She released a deep breath and said, " Honestly Mei, you look so pretty and gorgeous right now, that if I was a man, I would have proposed you for a marriage right away! "

Hearing this, Ning Mei felt much better and smiled. Then she said in a low voice almost like a wishper, " Okay.. than wish me luck! " And saying this, she got off the car and walked in the restaurant. Yu Lian didn't follow her, because she felt that it was not needed.