Yu Lian looked at Ning mei with big starry eyes. She had completely forgotten that Ning Mei could speak in a man's voice too. Now, no one could blame her of course. She had heard it only once and that too, three years ago.

But the main fact was that, it was still so good and so smooth. If she didn't turn her head and took a look at her she would have belived a manwas beside her right now. Well, she even belived it for a second causing that extreme reaction.

Ning Mei looked at Yu Lian's dumbstruck face and it stuck her mind, that she had not told her about her cross dressing. And she could say that she was very much surprised by her change in voice as she was there years ago. Ning Mei wanted to see her reaction when she finds out that she can ' change' into a man too. Hehe.

Thinking of it, Ning Mei looked at her with a grin and winked at her flirtyly. And just that wink was so hot that Yu lian, being a obvious straight girl felt herself blush!