"Did you see the new actress?" Asked a girl from the crew. 

"Who? The one who is sitting under that tree?" Said another one, pointing at Ning Mei with her gaze. 

"Exactly her. Who else? She is very new. And has not even done a single project! I swear to God, I find it hell of a crazy how she even got such an important role in this drama!" 

"I know, right. I can see she is going to create too much nuisance here. And we have to work overtime today! " 

"Why do you think so?" Asked another one of them. 

" Why else? Don't you know our director? He just want perfection! And have you not seen other newbies acting? If it was an not so important role, it would have been passed. But with her role? There is going to be a lot too many takes. Mark my words ! "