Ning Mei wondered, not even guessing that Gu Yeze had the access of the whole building's camera. Since, the time she told him that she was waiting in the lobby, and Wen Xiao had left to get her, Gu Yeze had kept check on her. 

And he found his wife having some kind of heated talks with the receptionists, before Wen Xiao came into the scene. 

He was a little raged at first knowing that his employees dared to talk disrespectfully to their Mrs President. But he again knew that his wife would have stood for herself if something was indeed going wrong around her. 

Ning Mei shook her head at his words. She also let go of wondering how he came to know about it and all. Who cares, after all? It is his company, his building, his employee. Ofcourse, he will have ways. 

And then she said, " You don't need to worry about it. It was just some non harmful talks between girls." 

Gu Yeze slightly tilted his head and nodded, he said, " If you say so."