At this time, Su Han gathered up some courage and said, " Miss, you are s- scaring my girlfriend. " He did not know why but suddenly this girl in front of him looked like a tryant. 

But the next moment, Ning Mei slowly turned towards him, her eyes still chillingly scary. And she opened her mouth, and said brutally, " Shut up. Did anyone talk to you? Do not speak, if you are not spoken to. " 

Next moment, Su Han instinctively zipped his mouth. Right now, this girl did not seem like the sweet and beautiful girl of his thoughts, yet he felt strangely attracted to her dominance. 

Ning Yan was tongue tied. She stammered again and said, " Y- You don't k- know who m- my family is! My father, grandfather and brother w- will not spare you if they know that you a- are bullying me like this. 

Ning Mei sneered hearing her words. Now she dared to bring brother and Grandpa? Someone, who did not care if they lived or died now was relying on their names?! Shameless.