Saying so, Muye closed their distance as he leaned forward to Ning Yiyi. She lowered her eyes expecting maybe atleast kiss on her forehead or cheek, that usually is the minimum that happens when she is out with guys who are interested in her.

But all she got was Muye wishpering 'Bye' near her ears. Then he pulled away and winked at her, before heading towards the car and getting into it. And the car drove away.

Ning Yiyi was left with blinking eyes there. Was that guy really such a gentleman or was he pretending to be one?

Either ways, this action did win Ning Yiyi's interest on him, as he atleast did not fall on her like every second men she met.

And anyway, atleast her plan is seen to be working. She had heard that he will be staying close and maintaining close contact with Ning Jiming for while now. So she could derive information about Ning Jiming from him.