Yu Lian nodded her head, and then looking at the papers, she told Ning Mei thoughtfully, " Meimei, to be honest, I think we should really join a good agency. "

Ning Mei raised her brows and asked, " And why do you think of this? " Yu Lian shrugged her shoulders and said, " It's simple. Ning Mei, you and I both know that the competition in the industry is very intense. You are going through a popular phrase of your career. But it does not mean this phrase is going to be constant for the whole year. There are going to be ups and downs and we have to retain it.

But then the intensity starts. Every month new artist's are introduced in the industry, every day there are one or the other controversy or hot topic, and if in this senerio we don't have a strong support of an agency behind us, we might get trampled. We might be facing troubles in getting projects and works after a while.