Ning Mei smiled at her and though she was surprised at how she knew about her being the CEO. She said, " Hii. Welcome. " And then went to help the girl with the box.

Gu Liya laughed and said, " No, it's okay. I can carry the box." And she went and kept it on the table. Then with bright eyes, she looked at Ning Mei as she suddenly remembering something and said, " Oh- oh! I should call you sister in law, isn't it?"

Saying so, Gu Liya grinned and then teased Ning Mei, " Sister in law...? " Ning Mei chuckled, and then asked Gu Liya to take her seat.

Gu Liya took sat on the couch and complained, " You guys are worst, do you understand? "

Yu Lian raised her eyebrows and asked, " Why so? What did we do ? "

" You guys knew about me, yet you did not tell me about this isn't it..? Ning Mei, you are worse! What sister in law does like this?" Gu Liya said with a pout.