" Would I not be odd and a topic of baseless discussion if I arrive there with you. After all, it is your important day. You are coming out with your real identity, as the CEO and the daughter of Gu family. " Ning Mei said thoughtfully.

" Ahh... Sister in law! Why do you have to think so much?! The reason why I am telling you that I would pick you up is because I want to walk there together with you! You are my new best friend, also my sister in law! And also someone who really contributed and helped my brand. So it is final! I want to go there with you, and you are attending the press with me! " Gu Liya said with absolute confidence. She had already made her mind.

After all the persuadings from Gu Liya, Ning Mei agreed to her. It was her only sister in asking, after all. She hung up and looked at Gu Yeze , who already understood what they were speaking about.