She now finally asked the question that had been on her mind since all day, " So why did you not tell me earlier if you loved me all this while?!! "

Now this! This was the very question he feared all this while. But he knew he had to face in someday.

Why did I not tell her earlier? Should I tell her? I probably should? But what if she punches me?

He was only comprehending whether he should say something or not when he heard his wife's voice again, " Tell me, Yeze. Why did you not tell me or approach me all these years, when you knew that I loved you. When you knew that you loved me. When you knew I was waiting for you. When you knew where I was and my whereabouts?! Why did you never come to me?"

Gu Yeze stared deep into her eyes and he found strange desperation on her face. Her emotions right now were raw, yet not readable. It seemed like she was really desperate for his answer.