Gu Yeze pulled out of the hug with big shiny eyes, as he looked at her and said, " Kiss me. Hard."

Ning Mei stared into his puppy eyes that demanded all her attention on him right now. So she gave him what he wanted. Snacking, her arms around him, Ning Mei pulled him slightly towards herself, and slowly inched her face near his.

The puppy cuteness dissolved away from his face, as his eyes darkened the more she got near him.

Their lips touched, engaged into a feiry, passionate kiss, as the two held onto each other, and their lips and tongue danced in rhythm.

They kissed and sucked on one another's lips as if there was no tommorow at all.

"Ahh-hh! " Ning Mei wimpered as Gh Yeze's fingers went in between her thighs and stroked her feminity.