" What had happened to Ning Mei?" Gu Yeze asked.

Ning Mei also turned curious and asked, "Yes, grandpa, brother! What happened to me? Why did my fit body faint all of a sudden? "

The folk in the room looked at each other in doubt. They did not know whether they should break this good news to the couple si brazenly!

They were the parents to be, and they needed to know it first. It was suppose to be in a happy setting. Not in this chaos filled one.

While, they looked at each other in doubt and confusion, Feng Ye did not know why they were so confused. Why don't they just say! He chose to be the one, and opened his mouth , " Ning Mei, actually you -! Ahh! What the heck! "

Before he could complete his sentence, he got a smack on the back of his head by Yu Lian.

Turning around to face her, he complained, " Yu Lian! Why are you hitting me! "