Ning Mei did not know why, but when she heard the woman call her, 'Xiao Mei', her heart ached in longingness.

And before, she could understand anything else, she was pulled in the warm embrace of the woman. Yun Xiyi held Ning Mei and broke out in an hysteric cry.

" My- my daughter! Xiao Mei! Mei... I cannot believe I got you back! I- I thought I had lost my little princess forever! There was not a single day I did not curse myself for being a bad mother. For not being able to save my little life. " She sobbed harder and said,

" But when your brother came and told me that he has finally found you, I was in so much denial! I was scared that my daughter would hate m-me! I d-didnt know how I would be able to meet my princess' eyes. "

Hearing all this, Ning Mei's heart pricked. She could feel the woman hold her tightly as if afraid that if she let her go, she would vanish.