Two days went by since she arrived here. Ning Mei was spending good time with her newly found family and siblings. They were all good. And she spent her time, exploring the mansion, garden, the base and many more things.

In these two days, she wanted to raise the topic about her also going back to her home. But she could not find a proper opportunity for that. How could she? After all, whenever she tried, either of her mom or dad would have something exciting to say. And she just did not want to spoil their happiness and excitement so soon by raising the topic of her leaving.

Mostly, Yang Chen and Yang Weiwei, would accompany her. She wanted to tell Yang Chen about it, but she wasn't sure if Yang Chen knew about her marriage to Gu Yeze. Not that, she did not want him to know. But she was afraid on how he would react if he already did not know about it.

Or would he be sad too if she said she wanted to leave?