Breaking of the rule!!

"I don't believe so," Liam adds, his gaze falling on Handa.

While delivering them icy coffee, the servant adds, "Here your coffee."

"Leave the room," Handa says, motioning the servant with his hand to leave the room.

"Liam, I know it's a difficult time for you, but have you given any attention to your deceased father?" Says Handa to Liam.

"You fucker come on don't play fools here with me, give me my part!" Liam chuckles.

"I've got to take a call," Michel adds as he pulls out his phone from his pocket.

"Come on, speak to you son of a bitch," Liam says with a nod.

"What is it you have so valuable in your side, eh kid?" Handa asks, smiling.

Liam remains silent as he nods in response to his query.

"I have so many valuable items in my possession that not even you can afford." While beaming, Liam says.

"Fine, let's get down to here's the paper you sent me back a year ago," Handa says, handing him a white paper.

That reads, "If the company's debt is not paid up, he or she shall be penalised with lump sum amount money to be paid up within two months."

Alternatively, the case should be pursued by the law in whatever way possible."

"So, Liam, is this what you want? Let me get the money bag and toss it in your face" Handa exclaims, laughing.

While looking at his watch, Liam says, "Yeah, do it. I have stuff to do."

"We have a new batch of employees tomorrow morning, are you free after your appointment with the general?" Michel asks Liam, loosening his tie.

"Just a second," Liam says as he takes the paper from Handa's grip.

"Here's the bag," Handa says to Liam, "now fetch me the documentation you've written."

"Here is the paperwork, if you don't sign it, you'll be considered a thug," Liam says as he hands the paper and takes the bag into his palm.

"Let's get going; I need to call my mum." As he stands in the room with Michel, Liam says.

"Pretty! Your Skechers are quite appealing "a lady comments as she examines Rose's sketches as she smiles and says, "Thank you."

"I'll go now, I'll visit again," Rose says as she rises from her seat.

While waving goodbye to the shop, Rose remarks.

"In a few hours, I expect it to rain. Is it better to use a taxi? I suppose I shall" While gazing at the sky, Rose remarks.

"Can you give me a ride to the Del Han Hotel?" Rose inquires of a taxi driver while seated in the vehicle.

"Yes," says the cab driver, nodding to Rose.

"Hello, I'd like to order two cups of coffee and two pancakes," Liam says to the server, who takes notes on Michel and Liam's orders.

"How about these papers?" Liam inquires of Michel, holding a stack of papers in his hand.

"Listen, Liam, we have to be extremely careful with the paper formalities these days since everyone is sitting to take advantage." Michel tells Liam as he nods.

"Thank you sir" Rose says to the taxi driver.

As Rose gets into the hotel's front door as she sighs and takes the lift to the room.

"Here your order sir" the server serves coffee and pancakes to Liam.

"Eat up then we are heading to the hotel." Liam says to Michel while he takes a sip from his coffee.

"I assume they're all at work, so I'll shower," Rose says as she takes her bag off her shoulder and places it on the table.

Rose undresses herself, grabs a towel, and enters the bathroom while drawing the curtains closed.

"Aren't the streets too congested these days?" While stirring the car's wheels, Michel asks Liam.

"Don't worry about the busy highways," Liam advises.

"Perhaps you should go overseas for a few days because you appear to be overburdened," Michel suggests.

Liam nods before falling silent.

They arrived at the motel in silence after a long trip.

Liam responds, "Better call it day." While getting off the car.

Michel gives a dismissive nod and drives away.

"I'm hella tired," Liam mutters under his breath as he makes his way to his room at the hotel.

Liam enters the room after unlocking the door, as Rose exits the bathroom with only a towel covering her bust.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were here," Liam replies, blushing and choked.

As he turns around to depart, Liam exclaims, "I'm getting out."

Rose exclaims, holding her towel, "No... I'm sorry."

"You don't need to leave the room if you stay like that." hurriedly says Rose.

Liam takes a position in front of the door, facing it. Rose rushes to change into a plain robe.

Rose whispers shyly to Liam, "Um.... You can turn around."

Liam walks away from Rose, turning back and saying, "I'm going for a shower, so suite yourself."

Rose nods as she sits on the couch, ordering two cups of noodles and vegetable salad with chilli sauce, as well as a cola for them both.

Liam seems bare except for his waist.

Liam was completely unaware that Rose was sitting on the couch right behind him.

His deep cut abs and veins on the hands astounded Rose's sight.

Liam turns around to discover Rose seated behind him, a horrified expression on her face.

"How did you end up here?" Liam inquires, furiously brushing his wet hair back.

"what?" As she glances up at Liam's face, Rose says something unexpected.

"How did you wind up here?" Liam leans down and asks Rose.

"I..... I was here from the beginning," Rose admits, her gaze averted from Liam's.

"Hmm... I understand it," Liam says as he exits and changes into a light shirt and pant.

Rose's high respiration indicated that she was still in shock.

After an hour, their meals were delivered to their room and placed on the table.

Liam reclines on his couch and hands Rose a bowl of noodles.

"Thank you," Rose replies as she picks up the bowl of noodles.