Meeting the lawyer!

"Liam, I learned from your mum that you are planning to change your company's trade." While glancing at Liam's troubled expression, Derick remarks.

 "It's true, I've been studying coding, and I'm just doing my hardest to compare the works of my organisation, because there are so many employees who are intertwined with day-to-day suicide cases, kidnapping cases, and even murder rates have risen dramatically." While drinking water, Liam remarks. 

"When are you going to go into further detail about it?" Derick inquires.

 "I have an agreement with a lawyer to do tomorrow so I can get the seat and licences," Liam tells Derick. 

"I see," Derick responds.

 "How do you feel about this?" Liam inquires while he points out to his laptop screen.

Derick says, "Let's skip tonight." 

"How about staying here tonight?"  As he places his leg on the bed, Liam inquires. 

"Thanks, man," Derick says, smiling broadly at Liam. 

"Good night, brother," Derick says as he climbs into bed with Liam. 

Liam couldn't sleep because he saw many names of people he knew. 

Rose received a box wrapped in crimson velvet wrapper the next morning, with her name scrawled on a tiny piece of paper. 

Rose mumbles under her breath, "Who would have sent I didn't order anything," as she takes it in her hand and places it on the table.

Rose rapidly unpacks the box after receiving a purple dress and a message with it written on it.

"On Saturday, a party for investors will be hosted in Fandelta to celebrate the new collaboration. As the party's host, you've been invited. Fandelta, a cake shop" Rose was taken aback because she had some contacts with the investors, but none with the cake shop. 

"Yes, may I have the specifics?" Rose is on the phone with someone. 

"By two days, we'll have the information and rehearsal?" Rose inquired, somewhat unexpectedly. 

"Yes, ma'am, there are some other registrations in the party, but we have the best investigator to look into it," the navigation lady says.

 "Oh, I see," Rose says as she hangs up the phone.

"Yeah, we made it safely," Liam says over the phone as he and Derick wait for the lawyer to arrive at the cafe.

 "These are the papers from the most recent party we will attend. We've given the parties three days to determine how the guarded zones would turn out" As soon as Mrs. Jen arrives, she greets Liam and promptly explains the job. 

"I see the settlements, Mrs. Jen," Liam adds giggling, "but take it easy." 

Mrs. Jen, who is worried, exclaims, "How can you say that when Henry has two additional firms to manage?." 

Mrs. Jen receives a glass of orange juice from Liam, who says, "Here, have some juice."

"Oh, thank you. As you are aware, some of the employees have been placed on a waiting list. When are you going to give them a chance?" Mrs. Jen says this with a troubled expression on her face.

 "I know I'm going to the training session," Liam says.

 "After the meeting, the colleagues will eventually walk here to have their chit chat." While checking over the paperwork, Liam adds, "These are the ones I can bargain with." 

"Mrs. Jen, don't you remember me?" Derick replies as he sits in his chair, eating his dessert.

"Who are you supposed to be?" says Mrs. Jen.

 "I see you forgot about me... do you recall Nardo, the television writer?" Derick inquires. 

Mrs. Jen smiles as she answers, "Yes...but he committed murder a few months ago and is now in jail." 

"Yeah... I'm Derick homes, his assistant," Derick adds, his head bowed. 

Mrs. Jen rises from her chair and says, "Oh, I'm so sorry you were in that position, but it appears that the time has come for his after work." 

Mrs. Jen requests Liam and Derick and says, "Well, I have to show you guys the room, please follow me."

"What's the best way to get from the cafe to the office?" Derick is ecstatic. 

Liam sighs and yells, "Oh come on shut your mouth." 

"So, what are we going to do here?" Derick inquires. 

Mrs. Jen adds, "We shall meet our most valuable ancestor who built this facility and rather in detail who built it for doing illegal things."

 "When I met Mr. Drew, I was a simple archaeologist who had come here for studies." As she opens the white, colossal door, Mrs. Jen remarks. 

As they enter, they notice many hospital beds with curtains draped over them. A clean and tidy white and crystalline floor with no dust. As though they can get dressed simply by gazing down.

Mrs. Jen takes a book from the table and places it in her hand. 

The book had the appearance of being twenty years old, was wired with tree roots, and was a dark brown colour. 

"This is the book from which I learned about so many incidents, many of them included poisoning or murdering someone while they were sleeping. I was also taught how to treat some of the more serious injuries, such as having a riped skull or being roasted to death till their skin turned crimson." Jen clarifies.

 "Isn't it all about the cureness?" Liam inquires. 

Jen nods and adds, "Indeed."

Derick laughs as he adds, "Well, that's impressive." 

"Have you guys eaten yet?" Jen enquiries. 

Both Liam and Derick nod. 

"All well, then, how about some rice bean and some sweet pork?" Jen explains.

 "Sounds wonderful," Liam says as they leave the room and sit at the table, eating a hot rice bean and sweet corn dessert with sweet pork. 

Derick screams with delight, "I adore the hot steams coming out of the meal!" Jen comments as she eats, "I wish you guys loved it because they preserved it for twelve days." 

"What?" Liam and Derick both yell at the same moment. 

"Yes, it's extremely healthy since the oil has zero calories if we keep them up for twelve days," Jen explains, smiling.