Liam groaned as they both got into his Bugatti and kept his eyes closed as he was feeling hot with the weather. Rose gave a glance to his seat and blushed when her eyes railed up to his unbuttoned chest. She took her eyes off and cleared her throat
Liam's gaze swept on Rose who was coughing as he lent his water bottle to her. She hid her face from Liam.
"At Least look into my eyes and be thankful?" Liam asked with a frown.
She nodded and unbottled the bottle and drank half of it. Her red hot cheeks were calm and turned into a pale white. She is completely different from being an embarrassed girl.
A smile was on when Liam's eyes were pleased to meet hers. Rose looked through the large window of the car, leaning her head to it.
Michel stood by his wall albums. His eyes were shaking if he had ever stepped out of his own house. He became arrogant and rich. Not caring about the mighty world. Was his type of giving himself a punishment?
His brows drawn in when he realised that he just brought a woman or rather a run-away? 'Was I day dreaming of bringing such a lady into my place?' he whispers to himself as he picks on his buttons and leaves them on the floor.
Erica sat on her bed leaning on the side of it. A loud knock was heard by her when she broke off her sitting position and stood. The door was pushed open when Michel came in wearing his pyjamas and a diary in his hand.
"Were you sleeping? Did I disturb you?" Michel asked in a low voice.
She shakes her head as she stands wearing her long white gown. He was defending his smile being proud of the fact that she was not sleeping yet. Michel laid his body on the bed and sniffed with a soft smile.
"Smells good. You should probably sleep."
"I will. Since you are here I want to ask you something."
"Go on." Michel tapped on the bed indicating her to sit on the bed alongside him.
She felt numb. As her legs moved on their own and she sat on the soft bed.
"Can I leave tomorrow?"
"You are not allowed. And how about your child? Are you feeling sore there?" Michel asked with a concerning eye.
"No. I will go to the doctors tomorrow to cross check." She laid as her head was hurting and kept her hand on the head.
"Here let me help you." Michel lended a hand to her. Suddenly, she became thoughtful as to why he was doing so much for her? 'was it a trap? Is he trying to take advantage after making me sleep? No right.'
She fell asleep as Michel sighed and laid his head on her tummy to hear the baby's movement. He was feeling nothing. Nothing at all. He took his head away and sat down on the sofa while facing her.
Her eyes twitched-open when she saw Michel was grinning to her "thought I left?"
Erica was caught off guard as her mind spoke the truth from Michel's mouth.
"No. I broke off from my sleep" she made a stupid excuse. Beating her head against an imaginary wall and crying about replying to him.
He stood and walked over as he bent and softly asked "tell me the truth are you even pregnant? Took the test somewhere?"
She blinked as she shook her head in a tiny nod "I took in a public women's bathroom." His eyes were glaring at her with a sudden annoyance but he took the initiative to grab her hand to feel the pulses.
It was normal. Just like his heart not beating faster like his head. He was having a headache but he was too busy to take any medication for it.
"Don't fight to go outside tomorrow. Where are you living anyways?" He asked as he cloged his head from the side.
"Back at the hostel."
"Mari...she is the owner. So, I will stay there"
"But Mari didn't have any girls in her hostel rather than Kristy..... I mean her step sister." He said with a confused look.
"Kristy was taken as a maid from the Skylar family. It has been rumoured that she has two childrens." Erica said with despair.
"Come on, take my hand to come out…."
"Hey, watch it! My leg has a sprain." Rose alerted as Liam took off those high heels.
"Look at how swollen it became. Let me warm up the area." Liam took her bare feet as he rubbed to warm the area.
"We will get late to see the exhibition. We can take our time in the exhibition right?" Rose said with a concerning voice.
Liam shook his head as he supported her to stand up from the car by leaning to him.
Erica wasn't sure what to do her stomach ache was almost lost as she tried to do some excirse as Michel barge into and was stunned to she her doing small warm-ups. He pressed his lips as he cleared his throat.
"Bought you some breakfast. I have work so, I will drop you by the hostel." Michel said as he left the tray on the bed.
She was silent as she hid her face into her palm. 'were you insane doing something out of sudden?" Erica it's you. Don't forget you are nothing to him. Nothing!' she reminded herself as she held her breath and released it.
"I knew he was playing around with somebody. Marcus has already left for taking him hostage" Karla Huston. A major police agency. Stays in Florida with her husband and son.
"Will you charge him?" Liam said as he gave a glance to Rose admiring the last piece of artwork inside the exhibition.
"Well surely, but I am not certain that I could hold him low." Karla said with a scratching voice.
"I see."