Playing in the garden

After a while both the boys had gotten slightly bored and didn't know what to do, they decided they wanted to watch tv, so Tom went to retrieve the remote control from on top of the mantelpiece, only to realise that he couldn't find it, it wasn't up there no matter how many times he searched.

Josh realising something was wrong walked up to Tom and asked him about what he was supposedly looking for.

"What're you doing?" He asked, a look of confusion on his delicate face.

"Can't find… remote," Tom mumbled back, he was seemingly embarrassed for having told his new friend they could watch tv, but then not even ten seconds later he had apparently lost the remote and is now totally unable to watch any tv, meaning he had lied to his new friend.

In the end, they had both decided to go into the garden to play, the only problem was that the way into the garden was through the back door which was only connected to the kitchen, the kitchen in which both mothers were still currently sitting whilst still droning on and on about how perfect their sons were respectively.

The boys decided instantly that there was no way they could go through there, an hour or so of being stuck between two women caught in a verbal assault was enough for both their brains and egos to handle for one day.

Tom's eyes then brightened and his lips curved up slightly into a smile, he tugged on Josh's sleeve to get his attention, he did this because Josh was deep in thought about what to do with this situation. When Josh wasn't noticing Tom had to tug harder until he did, when he finally noticed he looked at Tom and smiled slightly, wondering what he had wanted to say.

"Yes?" He asked when tom had yet to speak what he had been thinking for a while.

"We can go around…" he said whilst looking away from Josh, his gaze was trained on the ground and his ears were tinged with an unnoticeable tone of light pink.

They then both looked for the keys so they could open the door and go outside to play, they'd looked for several minutes and were still unable to find them. Tom sighed discontentedly and concluded that today was just a cursed day for him and that whatever he wanted to find would just miraculously disappear.

He sighed again before he heard Josh call out to him, he then got up from where he was sitting back on the couch, when he was sitting his feet didn't touch the ground but instead dangled and his head didn't reach above the back cushions of the couch.

"Hey, Tom, are these the keys?" Josh asked when Tom had finally trudged over to where he was standing, pointing at a set of keys that were still sticking out of the keyhole of the front door.

They then uncooked the door with no hesitation, at least they attempted to, they were both a bit short and had to go on their tip toes to reach the key and turn it. When they'd successfully opened the door they left the key in the keyhole and closed the door before rushing around the house and toward the gate located on the left side of their house.

They opened the gate and closed it gently before going further into the garden, the garden wasn't very very big, but it was beautiful. There were loads of stunning red, pink and white roses growing from various rose bushes, there were other flowers too but the majority of the flowers were different types of roses.

Other than the roses there was also a trampoline, a small birdbath, and various other cool-looking outdoor furniture and other things. The garden had paving and looked incredibly well done, Josh, compared it to his garden and couldn't help but laugh.

His garden had long grass due to not mowing the grass regularly for years. He also had loads of weeds and other types of those plants growing everywhere in his garden. His trampoline had broken and they had nothing else.

He stopped thinking about other thoughts when he felt a tug at his sleeve, it was Tom and he had started dragging Josh into the garden and they stayed playing with whatever they wanted to play with.

After an hour or two of playing the two boys returned to the inside of the house and went back into the living room, they chilled there together just talking and playing with small toys whilst sitting on the sofa. After a while they both heard the mothers call out to them that it was time to go, they both walked to the front door after putting away the toys and Josh started to put his shoes on.

Tom's mother was slightly anxious when she went to unlock the door so Josh and his mother could leave, this was as she noticed that the door was unlocked and anyone would've been able to come in and she'd be none the wiser.

She was shocked that she could forget to lock it, even when she'd been so sure as to lock it properly before going to speak with her friend in the kitchen, she feared she was getting old and forgetting to do things properly. Josh's mother sensing this patted her on the back and comforted her both silently and out loud.

"Sometimes my husband and I forget to lock up. Once, we left it open all night. Don't think too deeply about it, no one's robbed me before. You live in a slightly busy neighbourhood and it's the middle of the day and we're at your house, if anyone tried to get in we'd hear them and chase them out. Besides, if you forget how it's less likely for you to forget in the future."

The two boys watching their mothers interact broke out into a cold sweat due to the tense situation, they both felt bad for having Tom's mother take the blame for the door being open, even though she'd locked up as usual. They'd opened it and forgot to lock it again when they'd gone around the house to get to the garden.

They averted their gaze from the women in hopes of feeling less guilty, the women soon stopped having a negative attitude and listened to the positive things which her friend was mentioning. She agreed and realised that this wasn't such a big deal, if nothing bad happened then it's almost like she'd never made a mistake in the first place.

Thinking this she also promised herself she wouldn't forget again, she even went as far as to go into the living room to get a sticky note from one of the drawers by the couch, she then wrote a short note on the sticky note and placed it on the fridge gently.

The note read, "Don't forget to lock up! x" she smiled at the note, her handwriting was cute and she enjoyed partaking in calligraphy courses in her spare time. She quite enjoyed not only writing calligraphy but also admiring others and even her calligraphy at times. She thought she'd done a good job writing even though she hadn't taken much time and she was in quite the rush to write it.