Returning home

Once they had finished eating at the restaurant and had paid the bill, which had accumulated to around £66.50, the three of them had then left and got back in the car to go home. On the way home, Tom had begun looking out of the window to pass the time as he had nothing else to do. He was watching as the landscape went past quickly, everything was blurring into everything else, but it was still a pretty sight.

At this point, it was rather late and it was getting dark outside, the sky was blending out into a golden orange hue that was beyond captivating. Soon the open landscape was plagued with houses and buildings, however, the sight was still beautiful, and soon they had reached the neighbourhood that they lived in and the car slowed down. They had soon reached their driveway and Tom's father parked their car, as soon as they had returned home the three of them had gone straight upstairs and didn't bother going to any of the rooms downstairs.

Therefore, Tom hadn't been able to see the party decorations that his mother and father had tried to hide from him. This was the point of their little outing, if he had still insisted on staying downstairs their efforts would have been in vain and his mother would have felt like crying for ruining the surprise.

Tom had been feeling rather sleepy ever since he had gotten into the car for the drive back home, he probably would've fallen asleep in the car had the drive been any longer. The tiredness caused him to plod slowly up the stairs, the soft creaking of the stairs sounded comforting in the large and silent home.

Tom had wanted to go straight to his room to sleep on his nice and comfortable bed, but he knew his parents would be disappointed if he didn't brush his teeth and change properly. He pouted as he was about to reach for the door handle of his room to go in and sleep. Instead, he trudged slowly over to the shared bathroom and opened the door carefully. Once he walked inside he closed the door and reached up for his toothbrush, since he was so tired he had forgotten to get out the stool he used to use the sink, and he used a stool since he was still rather short and needed some help in reaching the tap.

He sighed when he tried unsuccessfully to reach the tap, even trying things like going on his tiptoes and jumping, in the end, he gave up and went to get his stool from the cabinet on the far side of the room. It wasn't too far from him, but he was so tired that he didn't even want to take another step.

He walked over to the cabinet slowly, and then gently opened it before taking out the stool and going back over to the sink and setting it down and stepping onto it. When he stood on the stool he could finally reach the tap, he then grabbed the toothpaste and squeezed a dollop of it onto the toothbrush, he wet it then started brushing his teeth.

After he'd finished brushing his teeth he walked out of the bathroom after putting everything away and went back to his bedroom door, he opened it hastily and walked in, he desperately wanted to jump into his bed and sleep but he still wasn't ready. He stole a couple of glances at his beloved bed before walking over to and opening his cabinet and pulling out the closest pair of pyjamas that he could see.

The pyjamas he had just so happened to choose consisted of a t-shirt with a picture of a cute cartoon lion on it and the bottoms had lots of small paw prints. He held them in one of his hands and he used the other hand to gently open the door, he then slowly walked back to the bathroom.

The bathroom floor was covered in little droplets of water from when he had brushed his teeth, this was as he hadn't wiped his hands and had instead shook them to get most of the water off. Tom wasn't paying much attention and almost slipped, but he's back hit the wall so he didn't fall to the ground. He let out a breath in shock and put his clothes up on the shelf so they wouldn't get wet.

He took off the clothes that he had been wearing outside, then took a quick shower and changed into the new clothes he had brought. He then hurried over to his room after turning off the bathroom light and jumped into bed before remembering he had to turn off his bedroom light too and rolled out of bed sulkily. He quickly got up and switched off the light before once again jumping into bed and falling asleep.

When he had fallen into a deep sleep he started having a dream, it was a pleasant dream, a dream which put a smile on Tom's face.

In his dream, Tom had grown up. He had grown up and was talking and smiling happily with someone, he was talking to a friend. Tom and his friend were both holding on to a pile of books. The pile of books they were holding were from a professor. The professor had told them to carry the books to a certain room in the college. They were in college, they were both holding four books each and were walking to the designated room.

They were surrounded by a lot of people that were also in the college. The others in college were all talking and rushing around with their own friends and weren't paying attention to Tom or his friend. They reached the classroom and Tom opened the door for his friend. He walked into the room and placed the books on the table, his friend did the same. Tom turned to face his friend, the friend was...