An accident

"Mhm, don't worry about it…" He muttered under his breath as he smiled at Josh nicely.

"Hm, if you say so…!" Josh replied cheerily as he dug into his cash pile and took one hundred and eighty two in cash from his pile and gently put it back in the box.

He then pulled a random deed card from the box and put the card next to his other properties, he had pulled out the card St. James place.

"Then… do you roll or do I do it again?" Asked Josh as he turned to face his pouting friend.

Tom didn't reply nor did he look back at Josh, so Josh took the brief moment of silence to collect the dice from the board to pass over to Tom if he wanted them.

"But I'm in jail so I can't really move anyway…" Tom said finally as he shifted his gaze to look at his friends smiling face.

"Hm, I guess you're right but… uhm… I don't know…" Josh replied as he reached his hand up to scratch his head with his free hand, "What do I do? Do I just roll now…?" He asked earnestly as his free hand which had been scratching the back of his head had moved to now scratch the side of his faces gently.

"I guess… you should just roll." Tom replied quietly as he buried his face in his arms causing his voice to be even more inaudible than usual.

"What?" Asked Josh as he'd been unable to make out exactly what Tom had been saying, "Did you say Jess should roll?" He asked with a confused expression on his face.

"Jess, who's Jess…?" Tom asked as his eyebrows raised themselves slightly and his face adopted a look of confusion. "What are you talking about…?" He asked, his voice being unable to mask his confusion.

"I don't know… what are you talking about?" Josh retorted as a confused expression appeared on his face also.

"I also don't know though." Replied Tom as he let out a sigh and he let his head rest on his arms lazily.

"Wait, so if you don't know a Jess, and I don't know a Jess… who is Jess?" Asked Josh, the look of confusion on his face just getting more and more prominent as the seconds passed.

Tom just shook his head in response to show he was unaware of who what or how this Jess came to be.

"Wait so… then…?" Josh started saying before confusing himself and stopping, he then took a breath and collected his thoughts for a brief moment before trying again, "Them what did you say before?" Josh asked Tom.

"…That I didn't know of any person called Jess?" Tom asked with his eyebrow raised slightly.

"No… I mean, before that?" Josh questioned with an unsure look on his face.

"Oh… uhm," Tom stated before becoming quiet whilst trying to recall what exactly Josh was asking him about, "Oh, did you mean the thing from before…? Ah so, I think I said something like… I guess you should roll? Or something?" Tom stated unsurely, his feelings of uncertainty and confusion were evidently through his voice and tone when he spoke which made Josh laugh slightly.

"Oh…!" Replied Josh as a vacant look entered his eyes, he then took a moment to realise that he'd misheard and made up a strange scenario, he let out an audible sigh as he turned back around to face the board.

Once he was facing the board he outstretched his hand and shook the two dice in his palm before releasing them, due to holding them with only one hand they weren't held properly in place and the two dice were sent flying across the room.

One went straight for Tom who wasn't really paying attention, at the last second before the die made impact with Tom's face Tom and turned his gaze and caught sight of the dice, he made a sound as he quickly tried to avoid the projectile, "Ack!", his effort, however, was somewhat wasted as managed to avoid the dice, but instead of being hit with the dice he'd fallen backwards and his back hit the floor somewhat roughly, "Ack!", he went for the second time in the span of ten seconds.

The first die landed next to Tom whereas the second die ended up hitting the wall next to Josh, it then bounced off the wall and rolled for a while before landing somewhat close to the game board.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Josh cried out as he turned around due to the noise and saw Tom lying on his back after making two strange sounds.

"Uhm, I'm fine… I think." Replied Tom quietly as he got up on his forearms and lifted his head up slightly to look at Josh.

He locked eyes with Josh who was looking rather guilty for having caused Tom to get harmed by being rather careless.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be more careful. I was just, I don't know… a bit confused? So I wasn't really paying attention…? I think, I don't know…" Said Josh hastily as he looked at his friend guiltily.

"No, it's fine… it's not like I'm hurt or anything so don't worry…" Tom said in response as he raised one eyebrow in confusion as to why Josh would be feeling so guilty over a situation that he hadn't meant to happen, after all Tom knew it was an accident anyway.

"But- I feel bad! Did the dice hit you too, or anything?" He asked worriedly as he closed some of the distance between the two of them and moved in to help him up. He reached his hand out and took hold of one of Tom's wrists, gently pulling him back upright.

Tom didn't pull his arm away so Josh took it as the okay signal and lifted Tom back into a. Regular sitting position instead of letting him lie on his back like he was just a few seconds prior.