Chung Seo-Hyuk (Part 3)


[Still at Yoon-Ah POV]

"Yes, it's me," his face was furrowed in worry. "Can you stand?"

"Y-Yes," I answered him while trying to look around.

I saw a Mythos agent from the shadow of the trees, probably about to rescue me if it wasn't for Mr. Seo-Hyuk arriving a little earlier than them.

"Ah!" I suddenly yelped.

I tried to stand, but my knees were still feeble. Mr. Seo-Hyuk caught me in his arms and helped me stand up.

"I'm s-sorry for the trouble," I said as I tried to control my trembling body.

"There's nothing for you to be sorry about. Come, sit here for now."

He then helped lift my body carefully and seated me on a bench.