2nd week of September (Part 1)

Please DON'T READ this chapter yet. I will update this 2nd week of September!

Good news! My hands have healed now and I'm catching up on writing my missed chapters. My apologies for all the delays. I will replace this chapter with the real one soon, don't worry, and upload a new one for the next day. I really apologize once again.

In the meantime, please enjoy the continuation of the story below titled "The King's Beloved". This is the revised version I am planning to submit for paperback publication. Hopefully, I get a chance someday.


(Part 19 - Continuation…)

Malum smirked and raised his eyebrow.

"Instead of you spouting nonsense over and over, why don't you just do something about this dress we're wearing?" she complained. "It's like, duh! My hair is purple, and I'm wearing dark green? How eggplanty can I be? I definitely won't be able to seduce the king at this rate," she said all that in a single breath.