
In a little straw waived basket, a baby girl laid hidden beneath a bundle of covers. Cozy and warm. The young mother lifted the waiven crib up and kissed the infant on her frizzy hair. She knelt down on the porch of the orphanage and put the crib down. "When the time is ripe my little one, you will meet the seven. Allow them to love and protect you. Good luck on your journey ahead, my love," she said as she laid an envelope down on the covers. The young woman knocked twice on the big wooden door and waited until the lights turned on. She vanished into the dark night. From under a canopy of trees she stood watching. An elderly lady picked up the basket and stared into the distance bewildered. She smiled at the little bundle of joy and took her inside.

A tear rolled down her cheek, as she made her way towards the cliff. She wiped the salty wetness away with the back of her hand. She stopped at the edge. The thunderous waves below looks freezing cold. The wind is howling through the trees. She closed her eyes, sighed heavily and whispered: "I am sorry. Please, save her." With her last words spoken, she walked straight off the cliff. Fall to her death below. As she touched the foam of the waves. The young mother turned to stone.