Mei Ling's magic

Bai Liyue stepped out of the room, her body draped in a robe that was exquisitely embroidered with intricate designs. The robe was an emblem of grandeur, a symbol of the character she was about to portray.

Moments before she had left the room, she had looked at herself in the mirror, her heart pounding with nervousness. However, as she walked towards the steps, she could feel a sense of confidence beginning to take over her.

As she made her way, she could see several people staring at her with surprise. It made her feel elated because their reactions indicated that she was looking exactly as she should, perfectly fitting the character she was about to play.

When she stepped onto the set, she was struck by the grandeur of the surroundings. Rows of intricate imperial architecture loomed around her, creating an atmosphere of ancient majesty. The crew was bustling, making sure that everything was perfect and in its place.