Back to the Castle

They found a little water which was drinkable and some mysterious looking fruits.

Eliana: " Can you even eat this?"

Seo : " It's definitely poisoned."

Tara picked up one and started munching on it.

Tara : " Well, Demons can eat them although it may be poisonous for humans."

Hari : " Let me check it."

Seo : " But how will you know if it's okay for us to eat?"

Hari : " I am actually quite sensitive, you know .

I can just tell."

Hari took a bite of each of them.

He had a poker face when he ate them.

Hari : " The shiny purple thing, and the blood red potato like thing and the golden looking radish all of them are edible."

Seo and Eliana narrowed their eyes.

Eliana : " Are you serious about that ?

They look the most suspicious out of the bunch."

Seo : " I have no choice since I skipped dinner."

Eliana's stomach started rumbling.

Eliana : " Me too"

They took a bite of the supposed- to- be- a- fruit whichever was closer to them.

No sooner than the moment they put it in their mouths spit it out with terrified expressions.

Eliana : " This tastes like shit!"

Seo : " Why the f*** did you not warn us about it?!"

Eliana : " But before that how could you even eat it with that face?!"

Seo : " I bet he wanted to take revenge on us.

With that petty personality of his, there is no way you would let go."

Hari still had a poker face.

Hari : " It is better if you eat while you can. We don't know how long we are gonna be stuck here."

Tara : " Oh! Finally, something practical, cruel and depressing was said as it should be the case."

Seo : " Look, it's definitely revenge."

Eliana pouted.

"Petty man!"

Seo : " That said, why the hell are you not eating?"

Hari : "Ah... Did you not hear?

Demons don't really need food as much as humans do. I can go starving and without water for a couple of months."

Seo and Eliana were frothing and stomping on the ground.

However, to be practical they had to eat it.

Hari had a satisfactory look on his face.

' Revenge completed '

Seo was glaring daggers at him while Eliana ate it reluctantly.

Seo once again explained the infiltrating plan and they were ready to move out.

Hari spread out his Wings once again.

Eliana admired those majestic and captivating sights.

Hari smiled at her.

Hari : " Oh... Did that make you fall for me ?

I can understand but...

Please don't since we are siblings now"

Eliana curled up his lips.

Eliana : " I am engrossed in thinking how did somebody like you get such a wonderful gift. This world sure is very unfair..."

Hari : "Now now no need to be so jealous..."

Seo interrupted with a clap.

Seo : " Alright, let us just quickly get out of here and then we can do the sibling fights all we want."

Tara : ' That guy is supposed to be the youngest yet he seems to have the best head on his shoulders among the siblings.'

He held them again in a similar fashion as before and started flying back to the place there and from.

Hari : " Ah..geez... I am carrying to snatak siblings and an underage kid on such a pretty starry night... How so not romantic!"

Eliana: " I Wonder If this is the time to be grumbling about it."

Seo : " Quiet already, we have almost reached our destination."

Tara : ' He's really baby sitting them.'


Eliana : " Oh! Senpai, Your castle is in sight."

Hari : " Huh?! That's not my Castle."

Eliana : " Of course it's yours.

You are already the Demon Lord."

Hari suddenly went quiet.

He started flying towards the centre of the castle.

Seo : " Hey, what are you doing?

This is not what we had planned out."

Hari : " Don't worry and just trust me.

It seems like things have changed quite a lot."

Seo and Eliana tilted their heads

Tara : ' Oh, so he realised.'

Hari landed in a garden with black roses and blue lilies.

The leaves were dark green as it hard sucked out all the life from the Earth.

The butterflies hovering around were glowing and possessed vivid colours such as purple red golden black and too many to be counted.

Hari pointed towards the purple butterflies and asked Tara.

Hari : " Are they your relatives?"

Tara : " Good joke."

Seo : " They could be spy cams also and we are standing here basically announcing ourselves."

Hari chuckled.

Hari : " It's okay. It's my castle, right?

I can go in and out as I please."

Eliana : " Just a few moments ago you denied it so strongly...."

She mumbled.

Seo 's brain was running its engine at full speed yet his face did not even budge an inch.

Seo : ' Haa...Gosh, I don't know what he's thinking.

He might have just messed up big time.

He does not like to do things the sneaky way, always takes everything head on.

I thought since this is a life threatening situation he would be a little more flexible yet here we go again....

I should have considered his personality...

What is done is done.

From now on, what to do?

How do we get out of here ?

What is the current situation?

After gathering all this information I'll have to hatch a new plan.

However, I first need to know what the most critical peg of my plan is thinking.

If he pulls off the same stunt twice I might just die of a heart attack.

He was complying with me yet what happened that he made such a rash move?

By any chance did he--'

Chain of thought was interrupted by his sister pulling him aback.

Seo : " Huh?! Eliana-san?

What happened?"

Eliana smiled.

Eliana : " Um..nothing... You seem so out of it that you aren't able to see your surroundings."

He found himself surrounded by the butterflies hovering around him.

Seo : " Ah...Thanks! Who knows what sort of poison they might have? "

Eliana : " No it doesn't seem like they would bite since they were just hovering around you but it's never too much to be cautious of things."

Tara simply stared at Eliana.

Seo walked up to Hari.

Seo : " Hyung, what are you doing and where is the explanation? "