The Death of Flavius Stilicho

Olympius stood in a room with Honorius. The two of them were engaged in a discussion about how to proceed. The mutiny in Ticinum had forced the Emperor's hand. Stilicho had to be removed from power. Honorius was completely unaware that the architect of his regent's downfall was the same man he was discussing the issue with. Olympius spoke words of venom as he delivered the final blow to Flavius Stilicho.

"Your Majesty, we have received reports that Stilicho has been funding the manufacture of arms and armor for Marcellus' limitanei. It is an absurdly large amount of supplies for such a small frontier force. I believe he intends to use Marcellus and his soldiers to raise a rebellion. If you do not act quickly, then your position will be usurped."