Coming up with a Plan of Action

After the incident on the borders of Italia, and the village that was slaughtered, Marcellus heavily reprimanded the Foederati for their actions, seizing their plunder for himself. However, that was the most that he could do to punish them. The truth of the matter was he needed them to win his war with Honorius, and to repel Alaric from the Empire's borders after he had crowned himself emperor. 

Without the support of the Foederati, Marcellus had an abysmal army, and could not compete with the many threats that faced Rome. However, by stealing their plunder, the foederati grew disgruntled, with only Sarus keeping their loyalties in check. Sarus himself was not bothered by the slaughter of the village, however, he had sworn his loyalty to Marcellus for the time being, and truthfully, he was slightly intimidated by the man.