Convincing the Gothic King to Negotiate

Alaric stood in the villa of Castra Regina. The stronghold had been abandoned, and as a personal slight to the man who ran away from his duties, the Gothic King had made it his personal abode during his stay in Raetia. The area had been evacuated, and thus there were no women for him and his men to enjoy. 

While Alaric sat back and feasted upon some salted pork, a messenger walked in through the door. He was a Roman who was escorted by Alaric's elite Gothic warriors. When the barbarian King gazed upon the man, he broke out into a fit of laughter. 

"So, Honorius finally has come to his senses and sent someone to negotiate with me. Come, sit down, enjoy my fire, and my boar!" 

Despite the welcoming gesture, the Roman messenger did not accept, instead he had a stern expression on his face as he informed Alaric of a shocking revelation.