Dreams of the Past Part V

Frank sat within the confines of a woman's apartment. It was the morning after his sister's wedding, and he was extremely hungover. The girl he had taken home the night before was not his date for the evening, but a young waitress who was tending tables while putting herself through community college. 

Apparently, he had made a big deal the night before about his sister's past, and how meaningless her marriage was to her husband. Of course, Frank had no recollection of it, but the incident was well recorded on the waitress's phone, who was now getting dressed on the other side of the room. 

Out of courtesy, Frank had looked the other way, more interested in reading the angry messages from his family than he was in her naked body. Which immediately caused the young woman to tease him.

"You don't need to be shy. It's not like you haven't seen everything already."