Reclaiming Antonine's Wall

While Marcellus was preparing for a war with Byzantium on the Italian heartland and within the diocese of Illyricum. Primus was busy engaging in a brutal campaign within Britannia. He was currently marching his forces north as they attempted to go beyond Hadrian's Wall and reclaim territory that had been lost to Rome for centuries. In fact, these men were completely unaware that the Empire was at war with its eastern half. 

Primus sat on horseback as he strode through the Caledonian territory. Since they crushed their enemies within the boundaries of Hadrians' wall, the barbarians had resorted to skirmishing tactics. Raiding Roman encampments at night and striking them in a series of ambushes.

The Roman Legate's attitude towards the Caledonian people had deteriorated greatly since this war had begun. However, none of that mattered, as he would soon be reaching his goal of reclaiming the ancient Antonine wall.