Swift Retaliation

Bahram's agents tore through the streets of Ctesiphon in search of his beloved sister. Yet, no matter where they went, they could not find the slightest trace of her presence. To make matters worse, Narseh's agents would contest them around every corner in a bloody battle to the death. 

The entire city had become unravelled in chaos, allowing bandits, brigands, cutthroats, and other criminal rabble took advantage of the situation to loot stores and burglarize houses. There had been several attempts to ransack the Frumentarii's safe house. Yet, the roman agents were well skilled in the art of the blade, and protected their 'property' from any evildoers. 

While Narseh had survived the attack on his life, he had retaliated by sending a group of his own assassin's into his brother Bahram's villa. Where the man was currently cursing at the latest news he had received from Hayla.